center for restorative programs - alamosa

Center for Restorative Programs Philosophy

What is Restorative Justice?

The Center for Restorative Programs is based on the philosophy of Restorative Justice, which defines crime or other offenses as a violation of relationships. Restorative Justice is the process of recognizing injustice, restoring equity as much as possible, and providing for a more safe and secure future (focusing on the people and relationships damaged rather than the laws that were broken). In many cases, a face-to-face meeting of the victim and offender provides a sense of justice, fairness, satisfaction, and healing that is otherwise not available through criminal justice processes. This Restorative Justice model is contrasted with the punitive justice model more typical of our criminal justice system as follows:


Crime violates laws
Focus on guilt
Applies punishment
Adversarial process
State is central
Rules are key
Win/lose outcomes
Community members are separated
Focus on the past


Crime violates relationships
Focus on needs and responsibilities
Makes things “right”
Agreement by dialogue
Victim and offender are central
Assumption of responsibility is key
Needs met and healing occurs on both sides
Community members are brought together
Focus on future

Three objectives must be achieved in order to meet the goals of Restorative Justice:

  1. 1. Address the victim’s needs and questions.
  2. 2. Allow the offender to take responsibility for his/her actions.
  3. 3. Involve the community in restoring safety and balance.

These objectives represent a triad of equal concern for the victim, the offender, and the community. The Center for Restorative Programs seeks a balanced focus on all three in its mission and programs.

For more information about Restorative Justice, please see more Restorative Justice Resources.
Summarized from Howard Zehr, Changing Lenses
*Adapted from Ron Claassen, c. 1993

The 5 R’s of Restorative Justice

Written by: Lily Capstick
Volunteer Blog Writer

A great way to understand the Restorative Justice Community Group Conference process is to look at it through the lens of the 5 R’s: Relationship, Respect, Responsibility, Repair, and Reintegration (credited to Beverly Title, founder of Resolutionaries).


At the heart of every Restorative Justice process is a damaged relationship. The person who caused harm has negatively impacted the lives of real people and real communities. Without strong relationships, it becomes more difficult for us to lead fulfilling lives and create communities that we want to live in. Using the Restorative Justice Community Group Conference process, we are able to mend these relationships. Once the person who caused harm becomes accountable for their actions and begins to make amends, the relationship can start to heal.


If relationships are at the heart of Restorative Justice, respect is the key ingredient to make it happen. Respect keeps the process safe. All involved parties are trusted to show respect for themselves and for others at all stages of the process. We employ deep listening, where instead of assuming we know what the speaker is going to say, we focus on what they are actually saying. Even if we disagree with their thinking, we try to understand their perspective.


In order for Restorative Justice to be effective, everyone must grapple with their own personal responsibility. We ask that everyone is honest with themselves and searches deeply in their hearts to discover how they might have had a hand in the matter. Even if the harm was unintentional, the person who caused harm needs to take responsibility for their actions. Ultimately, taking responsibility needs to be a personal choice and cannot be imposed on someone unwillingly.


After respect and responsibility have been established, the next step towards healing is the repair process. The person who caused harm is expected to repair the harm that they did to the fullest extent possible, knowing well that not all of the harm can be repaired. The repair principle replaces thoughts of revenge and punishment, instead focusing on moving forward in a more positive direction. It is through working to repair the situation that the person who caused harm is able to regain their self-respect and respect for others.


In order to complete the process, the community allows the person who caused harm to accept responsibility and begin the reintegration process. Reintegration encourages collaboration of the community and the person who caused harm rather than turning toward coercion and isolation. This process recognizes the assets the person who caused harm brings to the table and what they have learned through the process. By accepting responsibility and agreeing to repair the harm, the person who caused harm creates space and trust to be reintegrated into the community.

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Restorative Practices

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