center for restorative programs - alamosa

Volunteer with CRP

CRP Circle Programs

Our circle programs at CRP rely heavily on trained community volunteers. Some volunteers sit in as community members to offer their perspective and support to participants, while others go through our facilitator training and then lead circles themselves. Both forms of community involvement are extremely important for our programs and we are grateful to all of our volunteers! Community members are 100% volunteers and Facilitators receive a stipend.

If you would like to learn more or get involved, please fill out the form below and someone from our team will get in contact with you.

Volunteer Highlights

Jessica Shawcroft

I was completing my internship at Ortega Middle School and was invited to a training from CRP. I felt being involved was great experience for my degree, and I love making a positive difference in my community.

I have fun getting to know people from our community as well as being able to help the youth realize their influence in our community.

Many of the youth truly do not realize their impacts on the community. These circles help them see their impacts from a new perspective and keep a clean record.

Vince Alcon

I started off as a community member in my undergrad as a part of being a resident assistant. It opened my mind to a different way of taking responsibility for negative actions in a system that traditionally errs on the side of being punitive.

Trying to make an impact on the youth and future leaders of our community!